§ 1 General

§ 1.1 Information about the collection of personal data

(1) The following statement contains information about the collection of personal data when our website is used. Personal data are all data which concern you personally, such as your name, address, email addresses, and user behavior.

(2) The controller in accordance with Article 4(7) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is Carl Zeiss GOM Metrology GmbH, Schmitzstr. 2, 38122 Braunschweig, Germany, info.optical.metrology@zeiss.com (see “Imprint”). You can contact our data protection officer at Konzerndatenschutzbeauftragter, Carl-Zeiss-Straße 22, D-73447 Oberkochen, as well as by Email at dataprivacy@zeiss.com.

(3) If you contact us by email or using a contact form, we will store the data you provide (your email address and if applicable your name and telephone number) in order to respond to your inquiry. We will erase the data provided in this connection when their storage is no longer necessary or, if any statutory retention requirements apply, restrict their processing.

(4) In order to process your requests or to process an order, it may be necessary for us to pass on your data to third parties, such as business partners or IT service providers, who are involved in processing, providing the individual functions or processing the order. When passing on personal data to these third parties, we limit ourselves to the information that is necessary for the provision of the respective service. This is done in compliance with the required data security.

(5) If we use external service providers to provide individual functions on our website or wish to use your data for advertising purposes, we provide detailed information about the relevant operations below. We also state the applicable criteria relating to the duration of storage.

§ 1.2 Legal basis for processing personnel data

We process your data only in compliance with the applicable laws. In particular, we will process your data in accordance with Article 6 and Article 9 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as in accordance with the conditions for consent in Article 7 GDPR. We will process your data, among other things, upon the following legal bases. Please note that this is not a complete or exhaustive list of the legal bases. These are merely examples intended to render the legal foundations more transparent.

  • Consent (Article 6, paragraph 1, sentence 1, letter a GDPR and Article 7 GDPR or Article 9, paragraph 2, letter a and Article 7 GDPR): we will only process certain data on the basis of your explicit and voluntary consent given in advance. You have the right to revoke your consent at any time with effect in the future.
  • Performance of a contract / pre-contractual measures (Article 6, paragraph 1, sentence 1, letter b GDPR): we need access to certain data to initiate or perform your contract with ZEISS and ZEISS partners.
  • Compliance with a legal obligation (Article 6, paragraph 1, sentence 1, letter c GDPR): ZEISS is subject to a series of legal requirements. In order to meet these requirements, we must process specific data.
  • Protection of legitimate interests (Article 6, paragraph 1, sentence 1, letter f): ZEISS will process specific data to protect its interests or those of third parties. However, this only applies if your interests in the individual case do not override other legitimate interests.

§ 1.3 Your rights

(1) You have the right to request the following from us in relation to personal data concerning you:

  • right to request access
  • right to request rectification or erasure
  • right to request restriction of processing
  • right to object to processing
  • right to data portability.

(2) You also have the right to complain to a data protection supervisory authority regarding the processing of your personal data by us.

§ 1.4 Deletion or objection

If you object to the processing of your data or wish to request the deletion of your data, you can do so by email at info.optical.metrology@zeiss.com or by contacting our data protection officer at dataprivacy@zeiss.com.

§ 2 Website

§ 2.1 Collection of personnel data when you visit our website

(1) If you use the website purely for informational purposes, i.e. if you do not register or provide us with any other information, we collect only the personal data that your browser sends to our servers. When you view our website, we collect the following data, which we require for technical reasons in order to display our website to you and ensure stability and security (the lawful basis for this is Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR):

  • IP address
  • data and time of request
  • timezone difference with Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
  • content of request (specific page)
  • access status/HTTP status code
  • volume of data transferred
  • website the request originated from
  • browser
  • operating system and interface
  • language and version of browser software.

(2) As well as collecting the aforementioned data, we also place cookies on your computer when you use our website. Cookies are small text files which are placed on your hard drive and linked to your browser which pass on certain information to the entity setting the cookie (in this case us). Cookies cannot run programs or introduce viruses to your computer. They are used to make our website as a whole more user-friendly and efficient.

(3) Use of cookies:
a) This website uses cookies of the following types, the scope and functioning of which are explained below:

  • transient cookies (see point b)
  • persistent cookies (see point c).

b) Transient cookies are erased automatically when you close your browser. In particular they include session cookies. These contain a “session ID”, which allocates various requests from your browser to a common session. This means that your computer will be recognized if you return to our website. Session cookies are erased when you log out or close your browser.

c) Persistent cookies are erased automatically after a specified period, which may vary from cookie to cookie. You can delete cookies via the security settings in your browser at any time

d) You can configure your browser as desired, e.g. you can set it to reject third-party cookies or to reject all cookies. Please note that you may not be able to use all of this website’s functions if you do so.

e) If you have an account with us, we use cookies so that we can identify you on future visits. Otherwise, you would need to log in every time you visit.

f) We use HTML5 storage objects, which are stored on your device. These objects store the necessary data regardless of the browser you use and have no automatic expiration date. To disable processing of Flash cookies, you will need to install an add-on such as “Better Privacy” for Mozilla Firefox or the Adobe Flash cookie killer for Google Chrome. You can disable the use of HTML5 storage objects by setting your browser to private mode. We also recommend that you delete your cookies and browser history manually on a regular basis.

§ 2.2 Use of Google Analytics

(1) This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer to permit analysis of how you use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website will normally be transmitted to and stored on a Google server in the United States. However, if IP anonymization is enabled on this website, Google will truncate your IP address in a member state of the European Union or signatory state to the Agreement on the European Economic Area before transmitting it. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and truncated there. Google will use this information on behalf of the operator of this website to analyze your use of the website, compile reports on website activity and provide other services connected with web use to the website operator.

(2) The IP address transmitted to Google Analytics by your browser will not be combined with any other data held by Google.

(3) You can configure your browser software to reject cookies, but you are advised that you may not be able to make full use of all of the functions of this website if you do so. You can also prevent the data generated by the cookie relating to your use of the website (including you IP address) from being sent to and processed by Google by downloading and installing the browser add-on available at the following link: tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

(4) This website uses Google Analytics with the “anonymizeIp()” feature. This truncates IP addresses before they are processed, meaning that they cannot be associated with a specific individual. If this data collected concerning you contains any identifying information, identification is immediately ruled out and the personal data is deleted without delay.

(5) We use Google Analytics to analyze and regularly improve use of our website. We use the statistics obtained to improve our website and make it more relevant for you. The lawful basis for the use of Google Analytics is Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR.

(6) Details of third-party provider: Google Dublin, Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, Fax: +353 (1) 436 1001.
Terms of Service: https://www.google.com/analytics/terms/us.html,
privacy overview: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245,
and privacy policy: https://policies.google.com/privacy.

(7) This website also uses Google Analytics for the cross-device analysis of visitor flows, which it does using a user ID. You can disable cross-device analysis of your activity under “My data", “personal data” in your customer account.

(8) This website uses Google conversion tracking (Google AdWords), an analytics service provided by Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; “Google”). Google AdWords places a cookie (“conversion cookie”) on your computer if you come to our website from a Google ad. These cookies expire after 30 days and are not used to identify you personally. If you visit certain of our pages when the cookie is still active, we and Google can see that someone has been redirected to our website by clicking the ad. Each AdWords customer receives a different cookie. Therefore, cookies cannot be tracked across the websites of AdWords customers. The information obtained using conversion cookies is used to generate conversion statistics for AdWords customers who have opted to use conversion tracking. AdWords customers are told the total number of users who have clicked on their ad and been redirected to a web page containing a conversion tracking tag. However, they receive no information which would enable users to be personally identified. If you do not wish to participate in tracking activities, you can refuse the relevant cookies, for instance by configuring your browser to reject the automatic placement of cookies in general. You can also disable conversion tracking cookies by setting your browser to refuse cookies from the domain “googleadservices.com”.

§ 2.3 Use of social media plugins

(1) We currently use the following social media plugins: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Xing, LinkedIn, YouTube. We use the “two-click solution” for these plugins This means that if you visit our website, no personal data will be passed on to the plugin provider in the first instance. You can view the plugin provider by selecting the box over the initial letter of its name or logo. We give you the opportunity to communicate directly with the plugin provider via the button. Only if you enable the selected field by clicking it will the plugin provider be informed that you have accessed the relevant page on our website. The data specified in section 3 of this statement is also sent. In the case of Facebook and Xing, the providers have stated that in Germany the IP address is anonymized immediately. If you enable the plugin, personal data concerning you will be sent to the plugin provider and stored by it (in the USA in the case of US providers). As plugin providers primarily use cookies to collect data, we recommend that you delete all cookies via your browser’s security settings before clicking on the grayed-out box.

(2) We have no influence over the data collected and the processing operations performed, nor do we have knowledge of the full scope of the data collection, the purposes of the processing, or storage periods. We also have no information regarding erasure of data collected by plugin providers.

(3) The plugin provider stores the information it collects about you as a user profile, which it uses for advertising and market research purposes and/or to tailor its website to the needs of users. In particular, this analysis is carried out (even for users who are not logged in) to serve relevant advertising and in order to inform other social network users of your activities on our website. You have the right to opt out of the creation of these user profiles, but to exercise this right you must refer to the plugin provider. We provide the plugins to enable you to interact with the social networks and other users so that we can improve our website and make it more interesting for you as a user. The lawful basis for the use of plugins is Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR.

(4) The data will be passed on regardless of whether or not you have an account with the plugin provider and are logged into that account. If you are logged in to an account with the plugin provider, the data collected on our website will be directly linked with that account. If once the button is activated you click on it and e.g. link to the page, the plugin provider will also store this information in your user account and inform your contacts publicly. We recommend that you log out regularly after using social networks, especially before activating a button, as this will prevent your actions being linked to your profile with the plugin provider.

(5) For further information regarding the purpose and scope of the collection and processing of data by the plugin provider, please see the privacy statements of those providers as specified below. Here you will also find further information about your rights in this regard and settings you can use to protect your privacy.

(6) Addresses of the plugin providers and URLs of their privacy policies:
a) Facebook Inc., 1601 S California Ave, Palo Alto, California 94304, USA;
www.facebook.com/policy.php; further information about data collection:
www.facebook.com/about/privacy/your-info-on-other and

(b) Instagram Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, USA. For further information, please refer to Instagram’s privacy policy. instagram.com/about/legal/privacy.

(c) YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. For further information on how user data is handled see the YouTube privacy policy at www.google.de/intl/de/policies/privacy.

(d) Twitter, Inc., 1355 Market St, Suite 900, San Francisco, California 94103, USA; twitter.com/privacy.

(e) Xing AG, Gänsemarkt 43, 20354 Hamburg, DE; www.xing.com/privacy.

(f) LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, California 94043, USA; www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy.

§ 2.4 Embedding of YouTube videos

(1) We have embedded YouTube videos into our website. They are stored at www.YouTube.com and can be played directly from our website. All of these videos are embedded in “extended privacy mode”, which means that no data concerning you as a user are transmitted to YouTube if you do not play the videos. Only when you play the videos will the data specified in paragraph 2 be transmitted. We have no influence over this data transmission.

(2) When you visit the website, YouTube is notified that you have accessed the relevant page on our website. The data specified in section 3 of this statement is also sent. This happens regardless of whether or not you have a YouTube account or are logged into such account. If you are logged into Google, your data will be directly linked with your account. If you do not want the data to be associated with your YouTube profile, you must log out before activating the button. YouTube stores your data as a user profile, which it uses for advertising and market research purposes and/or to tailor its website to the needs of users. In particular, this analysis is carried out (even for users who are not logged in) to serve relevant advertising and in order to inform other social network users of your activities on our website. You have the right to opt out of the creation of these user profiles, but to exercise this right you must refer to YouTube.

(3) For further information regarding the purpose and scope of the collection and processing of data by YouTube, please see the privacy statement. Here you will also find further information about your rights and settings you can use to protect your privacy: https://policies.google.com/privacy

§ 2.5 Embedding of Google Maps

(1) We use Google Maps on this website. This enables us to present interactive maps directly on the website and allows you to make convenient use of the map functions.

(2) When you visit the website, Google is notified that you have accessed the relevant page on our website. The data specified in section 3 of this statement will also be sent. This happens regardless of whether or not you have a Google account or are logged into such account. If you are logged into Google, your data will be directly linked with your account. If you do not want the data to be associated with your Google profile, you must log out before activating the button. Google stores your data as a user profile, which it uses for advertising and market research purposes and/or to tailor its website to the needs of users. In particular, this analysis is carried out (even for users who are not logged in) to serve relevant advertising and in order to inform other social network users of your activities on our website. You have the right to opt out of the creation of these user profiles, but to exercise this right you must refer to Google.

(3) For further information regarding the purpose and scope of the collection and processing of data by Google, please see Google’s privacy statement. Here you will also find further information about your rights in this regard and settings you can use to protect your privacy: https://policies.google.com/privacy.

§ 3 Newsletter

(1) With your consent, you can also be subscribed to our newsletter, in which we provide information about our current offers. The advertised goods and services are specified in the declaration of consent.

(2) We use the “double opt-in” procedure for subscriptions to our newsletter. This means that after you sign up, we send an email to the email address provided by you asking you to confirm that you wish to receive the newsletter. If you do not confirm within 24 hours of signing up, your information will be blocked and then automatically deleted after one month. We also store the IP addresses from which you sign up and confirm, and the date of subscription and confirmation. We do this to verify your subscription and to enable us to clarify any misuse of your personal data.

(3) The only information you are required to provide in order to receive the newsletter is your email address. Other separately marked information is provided voluntarily and is used to address you personally. Once you have confirmed, we store your email address so that we can send you the newsletter. The lawful basis for this is Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR.

(4) You may withdraw your consent and unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. You can withdraw your consent by clicking on the link provided in every newsletter email, by sending an email to info.optical.metrology@zeiss.com, or by getting in touch using the contact details given in the Imprint section.

(5) Please note that we analyze your user behavior in relation to the newsletter. To permit this analysis, the emails we send contain “web beacons” or “tracking pixels”, one-pixel image files that are stored on our website. For the purposes of the analysis we link the data specified in section 3 and the web beacons with your email address and an individual ID. Links in the newsletter also contain this ID. We do not create a user profile from the information obtained in this way and use it only to carry out statistical evaluations on the recipients of the newsletter and to tailor the newsletter to users’ interests. To do this, we record the links you click on when you read the newsletter and draw conclusions about user interests. We do not link these data with your actions on our website.

You may opt out of this tracking at any time by clicking the link contained in each email or contacting us via another channel. This information will be stored for as long as you remain subscribed to the newsletter. If you unsubscribe, we store this information anonymously and for purely statistical purposes. Tracking of this kind is also not possible if you have set your email program not to display images. In this case, the newsletter will not be displayed in full and you may not be able to make use of all its functions. If you display the images manually, your actions will be tracked as described above.

§ 4 Data collection for the creation of a GOM ID

In order to be able to use various GOM products and services, we ask you to register for a GOM ID at various points. For this purpose, we collect personal data from you in the following categories

  • Title
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Company
  • Function (optional)
  • Country/region
  • Phone (optional)
  • Email
  • a password of your choice

The data will be used to create a corresponding account for you. We refer to this as a GOM ID. With the GOM ID you get access to different services like the ZEISS QualityTraining Center, the GOM Connect platform or you can use the GOM Software Center. GOM Partners can use their GOM ID to access the GOM Partner Engagement Portal. The advantage of this ID is that it gives them access to all these services and they do not have to create a separate account for each service. Depending on your concerns and the products and services you purchase from us, you can view related information, data and documents. In order to best serve you and your concerns, your data will be made available to the account manager responsible for your region.

Cookies of the GOM ID

We do not use any marketing cookies on the platform, only technically necessary cookie. The following necessary cookies are used:

Purpose Type Expiration
Used for tracking the transactions (number of authentication requests to Azure AD B2C) and the current transaction. Transient
Used for maintaining the request state. Transient
Cross-Site Request Forgery token used for CRSF protection. Transient
x-ms-cpim-sso: gomcustomers.onmicrosoft.com_0 Used for maintaining the SSO session. Transient

§ 5 Data Collection and Processing for the Use of the GOM Software

In order to use the GOM Software, you need a corresponding user license. Starting with version 2020 you have to register with us for a so-called GOM ID. We store the registration data collected in this way in our systems and make it available to the GOM partner responsible for your region for a better and faster support of your requests.

If you decide to purchase the full version or additional modules in the trial version or the GOM software via the Buy button, we ask you to provide us with additional data in order to process your order.

This includes:

  •  Title (optional)
  • First name
  • Name
  • Phone
  • E-mail
  • Company
  • Department (optional)
  • VAT-ID (EU countries)
  • D-U-N-S (non-EU countries)
  • Order numbers (optional)
  • Post / E-Mail - Selection
  • E-mail becomes mandatory field for billing address
  • Billing address
    • Company
    • E-mail (optional)
    • Street
    • Postcode/ City
    • Country/ Region
  • Delivery address
    • Company
    • Street
    • Postcode/ City
    • Country/ Region

§ 6 GOM Platforms

§ 6.1 Data Collection for the use of the ZEISS QualityTraining Center

Carl Zeiss GOM Metrology GmbH offers you the possibility to attend online trainings and webinars via the ZEISS Quality Training Center and to retrieve the learning contents of all trainings you have booked. In addition, your respective certificate will also be made available on this platform.

Furthermore, you have the possibility to book trainings via the ZEISS QualityTraining Center. In order to provide you with the best possible support for your requests, your data will be made available to the customer service representative of the GOM Partner Network responsible for your region. To use the ZEISS Quality Training Center, you need to register for a GOM ID.

The ZEISS Quality Training Center is provided by Callidus Software Inc., such as SAP Litmos or Litmos. For more information and the Callidus Software Inc. privacy policy, please visit https://www.litmos.com/privacy-policy .

ZEISS Quality Training center uses the following cookies:


Purpose Type Expiration
JSESSIONID This cookie contains the ID of your current session. Transient
__cfduid Collects and anonymizes End User IP addresses using a one-way hash of certain values so they cannot be personally identified. Persistent
1 month
LoginAuth A unique key to authenticate your user. Transient
__RequestVerificationToken XSS prevention and form validation Transient
 ASP.NET_SessionId  to save the length of a video module that is watched  Transient  Session
 _mv_{CourseID}  Save the length of a video module that is watched  Persistent  1 month


§ 6.2 Data collection and processing for using the GOM Connect Platform

The GOM Connect platform is an information and collaboration platform for members of the GOM network and customers.

To use the GOM Connect, we ask you to register with a GOM ID.

After initial registration, each user will receive a username under which he will be displayed on the platform (display name). This display name is generated from the data first name + last name. If the name already exists, a counter (#2, #3, #4, ...) will be added to the display name. Each user gets a user profile. The data displayed there (e.g. first name, last name, email address, company, department) are by default only visible to the user himself. Furthermore, the user can choose in the settings whether his profile and its contents should be visible or not visible for other users. The default setting is not visible. The display name is always visible for other users. In addition, the user can upload an image (avatar). This is then always visible to other registered users.

GOM Connect offers different collaboration features to the users depending on their user group membership.

  • GOM Network (GOM Partner, ZEISS Group, 3D Scanning Partner, Service Provider)
    • Provision of specific information by GOM (manuals, instructions, documentation, software packages etc.)
    • Cooperation in specific areas
    • Read and write access
    • Share, mention and comment function
  • Customers and other third parties
    • Provision of specific information by GOM
    • Read access to selected information
    • Share and Mention function (user can share content with himself and other users

These collaboration features require that certain data as well as personal data of the user are also visible to other users.

  • Users of the user group GOM Network
    • Display name: visible for all users through share and mention function and in the People Directory
    • Picture: If the user uploads a profile picture, it is visible to all users and will be displayed in the People Directory
    • Profile information:
      • Email address: visible only to the user himself, unless it is changed to "visible to all" via the privacy settings
      • All other information can be added by the user and will only be visible to other users after changing the privacy settings
  • Users of the user group customer and other third parties
    • Display name: visible for all users through share and mention function and in the People Directory
    • Picture: If the user uploads a profile picture, it is visible to all users and will be displayed in the People Directory
    • Profile information:
      • Email address: visible only to the user himself, unless it is changed to "visible to all" via the privacy settings
      • Company and department affiliation: visible only to the user himself, unless changed to "visible to all" via the privacy settings
      • All other information can be added by the user and will only be visible to other users after changing the privacy settings


Cookies GOM Connect

Purpose Type Expiration
JSESSIONID This cookie contains the ID of your current session. Transient


§ 6.3 Data collection and processing for using the GOM Forum

The GOM Forum is a forum platform for members of the GOM network and customers.
To use the GOM Forum, we ask you to register with a GOM ID. A user profile is created, which contains the following information:

  • Visible for all visitors
    • Display Name
    • Profile Photo (generic photo as default)
  • Visible for all logged in users
    • Registration date (Joined)
    • Last Visited Information
    • Activity (everything posted by the user)
    • Content Count of own Postings
  • Visible only for me
    • Email Address
  • Visible for all logged in users (disabled by default)
    • Recent Profile Visitor
    • About Me Information
    • Signature

After the initial registration, each user will receive a username under which he will be displayed on the platform (display name). This display name is generated from the data first name + last name. If the name already exists, a counter (#2, #3, #4, ...) will be added to the display name. The display name is always visible for other visitors. In addition, the user can upload a photo (avatar). This photo, all interactions and postings may be shown to all visitors of the GOM Forum. Content from the GOM Forum is indexed and displayed by international search engines.
We do not use any marketing cookies on the platform, only technically necessary cookie. The following necessary cookies are used: 

Purpose Type Expiration
ips4_hasJS This cookie is set by javascript and then later read to determine if javascript is supported in the user agent. Persistent
24 hours
ips4_ipsTimezone This cookie is set by javascript to detect the user's local time zone so that the software can adapt the displaying of times automatically. Transient
ips4_guestTime This cookie is set by javascript to detect the user's local time so that the software can adapt the displaying of times automatically. Transient
ips4_IPSSessionFront This cookie contains the ID of your current session. Transient


Additional cookies for registered users:


Purpose Type Expiration
ips4_loggedIn This cookie is set after login, it is used by caching mechanisms to identify if you are logged in. Persistent
90 days
ips4_member_id Your member ID. Used to identify if you are logged in. Persistent
90 days
ips4_login_key A unique key to authenticate your member ID cookie. This cookie is set after you log in when you tick 'Remember Me' so you can be automatically logged in again in the future. Persistent
90 days
ips4_device_key This cookie is set after you log in when you tick 'Remember Me' so you can be automatically logged in again in the future. It is also used to improve account security. Persistent
90 days


§ 6.4 Data collection and processing on the platform www.handsonmetrology.com

On the platform www.handsonmetrology.com we provide you with various information about our worldwide metrology network. This includes, for example, how-to videos, customer portraits, assistance and much more.

When using this website, we process personal data. You will find the details in the data protection information. The sections 1 and 2 apply accordingly to this platform.


§ 6.5 Data collection and processing ZEISS Quality Suite

The ZEISS Quality Suite is an upstream start-up and management application for the GOM software. Depending on the available license and selection in the ZEISS Quality Suite, the user can start the GOM software in different versions.

Carl Zeiss GOM Metrology GmbH places specific content within the ZEISS Quality Suite based on the specific software license applicable to the individual user. In particular, this concerns information about product innovations and product improvements of Carl Zeiss GOM Metrology GmbH (hereinafter "targeted content"). The only selection criterion for the placement of targeted content is the applicable software license. In order to determine which software license applies to the corresponding user, it is also necessary to initially process the so-called GOM ID. The GOM ID is composed of the e-mail address and the surname and first name of the respective user.

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data for the purpose of placing targeted content is Article 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. f) DS-GVO. The processing is necessary to protect a legitimate interest of our company and outweighs the interests, fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject.


Carl Zeiss GOM Metrology GmbH uses cookies in the ZEISS Quality Suite. These are small files that your browser automatically creates and that are stored on your IT system (laptop, tablet, smartphone or similar) when you use the ZEISS Quality Suite.

Unless the cookies are technically necessary, the processing of personal data is based on Art. 6 (1) p. 1 lit. a) DS-GVO, your consent. We obtain your consent in the ZEISS Quality Suite by means of an opt-in field during installation and again for each change. You are free to revoke your consent at any time and without giving reasons.


§ 6.6 Data collection for using the GOM Libary

The GOM Library is a Digital Asset Management platform for members of the GOM network and customers.

GOM Library offers various content

  • GOM Software & Sample Data
  • Operating Manuals
  • Other Media Files

To use the GOM Library, we ask you to register with a GOM ID. Each user gets a user profile. The data displayed there (e.g. first name, last name, email address and unique user id) are by default only visible to the user himself. The display name is only visible to other user if files were edited or ones were created.

We do not use any marketing cookies on the platform, only technically necessary cookie. The following necessary cookies are used:

Purpose Type Expiration
XSRF-TOKEN Unique secret for server client communication Transient
JSESSIONID This cookie contains the ID of your current session. Transient
Username Username (not clear-text) Persistent
7 days
guiLocale This cookie sets the display language. Persistent
7 days


§ 6.7 Data collection for using the myGOM Portal

The myGOM site is a portal for members of the GOM network and customers.

myGOM uses data from GOM ID. For further information please refer to § 12. To use the myGOM, we ask you to register with a GOM ID. The data displayed there (e.g. first name, last name, email address) are only visible to the user himself. By choosing “Edit Profile” the user can change its GOM ID information.


§ 6.8 Data collection and processing for using the GOM Tech Guide

The GOM Tech Guide is a platform where the user can find various technical information about GOM products such as direct help for the GOM software, How To guides and much more.

To use the platform, the user needs a GOM ID. Please refer to the relevant paragraph of this privacy policy for information on data processing when creating a GOM ID.

Based on the data you have provided for registering for a GOM ID, corresponding content will be displayed in the GOM Tech Guide. In addition, the following cookies are used on this platform.

Purpose Type Expiration
Connect.sid A user key assigned by the server via which user-specific session data is exchanged between the server and browser for the duration of the session. This cookie is required for the correct construction of the page in the browser and the secure communication with the server. Transient


§ 6.9 Data collection and processing for the use of the Metrology Webshop

At various points on our platforms, you have the option to purchase our products and services online via a "Buy" button.

Here you will be redirected to our web store and asked to log in with your GOM ID or to register for one. You can find more detailed information on the GOM ID under §4 of this data protection declaration.

The web store is operated by our parent company Carl Zeiss AG. In the event of a purchase, we will pass on your data to ZEISS for the purpose of processing the order.

§ 7 Data collection and processing Webinars and Online Events

Some of the services we offer are webinars and online events. We use services from various service providers, including:

When you register, our service provider stores your data and makes it available to us. The data collected may be personal data of the following categories:

  • Last name, first name
  • Title
  • Email
  • Company data
  • Company name
  • Company address (postal code, street, city)
  • Country
  • Phone number
  • Industry

This data is used by us for product and company related purposes of advertising and information. 

§ 8 Applications

§ 8.1 Processing of applicant data

By submitting your application, you provide us with your personal data and consent to the collection, processing and use of this information in the context of the application.

The personal data you provide will be collected, processed and used for the purpose of deciding on the establishment of an employment relationship in accordance with Art.88 Para.1 DSGVO in conjunction with §26 Para.1 Federal Data Protection Act. The provision of your personal data is necessary for the processing of the application process and for the decision on the establishment of an employment relationship. If you do not provide us with this information, we will unfortunately not be able to consider you in the selection process for filling the advertised position. No automated decision-making will be carried out. Your personal data will not be passed on to external third parties. In order to evaluate your documents, they will be forwarded within the group of companies to the responsible employees in the personnel department and to the responsible contact person/department head in the respective department for which the application is intended.

Your application documents will be stored by us for the duration of the application process and will also be kept for 6 months to enable us to answer any questions you may have. After this period, the documents will be deleted.  Documents sent by post will be returned or destroyed after 6 months. 

We will only store your data until revoked with your express written consent in order to be able to contact you in the future regarding job offers of interest to you within our company OR group of companies.


§ 8.2 Application via our online application platform

If you use our online application platform, you will be asked to enter the required application data in the input mask. On the second page of the input mask, you can check your details again and upload your application documents as a PDF document. Your application data and documents will not be sent to us until you click the "Send application" button.

We inform you about the use of possible cookies on the platform in the form of a cookie consent banner.
